
Easy English listening Lesson 34 – Holidays

In Canada, we have many different days that we celebrate.
On the first day of January, there is New Year’s Day.
That is when we ring in the new year, and say goodbye to the old year.
In February, there is Valentine’s day.
That is the day when you tell your girlfriend or boyfriend that you love them.
You can buy them flowers or candy, or take them out to dinner.
In March, there is Saint Patrick’s Day.
Everyone pretends that they are Irish on Saint Patrick’s day.
They all wear green.
Easter comes in the spring.
Easter is a religious holiday.
Some people celebrate by going to church.
Some people think that the Easter bunny comes and leaves chocolate eggs for them.
In May, there is Victoria Day.
We celebrate this day in honour of England’s Queen Victoria.
There are fireworks on Victoria Day.
July the first is Canada Day.
In September, there is Labour Day.
This is the day that we honour the working man or woman.
In October, there is Thanksgiving.
We give thanks for all the things that we are fortunate enough to have.
We usually have a turkey dinner on Thanksgiving day.
On the last day of October, there is Halloween.
The children dress up in costumes, and go from door to door collecting candies.
Remembrance day is in November.
People wear red poppies, and they remember all the people that died for their country.
Christmas comes in December.
Christmas is also a religious holiday, but many children believe that Santa Claus arrives on Christmas Eve in a sleigh pulled by reindeer.
They believe that Santa Claus fills up their stockings with toys and goodies.
He gets in and out of people’s houses through their chimneys.
We don’t get off work or school for all of these days, but many of them are holidays from work and school.

Exercise for this lesson:

  1. Which day do Canadians celebrate by ringing in the new year and saying goodbye to the old year?
  2. What is Valentine’s Day, and how do people celebrate it?
  3. What do people do on Saint Patrick’s Day, and what is a common practice on this day?
  4. What religious holiday comes in the spring, and how do people celebrate it?
  5. What is Victoria Day, and why is it celebrated?
  6. What holiday is celebrated on July 1st in Canada?
  7. Which day in September honors the working man or woman?
  8. How do people typically celebrate Thanksgiving in October?
  9. What do children do on the last day of October, and why?
  10. What holiday in December involves the belief in Santa Claus and the exchange of gifts?

Please comment your answers!

 ➡ Lesson 35 – Diseases

English Listening for Beginners

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