Learn English Tips

8 Tips to Write Better Essays in English

It can be overwhelming to learn a foreign language, especially if it is one of the most spoken languages in the world, English.
Many people believe that reading and speaking in English is sufficient, but they don’t realize that writing English skills are equally important.
Writing in English can improve your academic performance and career prospects. It also helps you express yourself more clearly in today’s globalized world.
By the way, writing an essay in English is an issue for a lot of international students. Moreover, there are a lot of tasks that they find challenging so turning to myspanishlab answers may be a nice option.
Writing essays is a great way to improve writing skills. Are you unsure where to start? Here are eight tips that will help you write better essays in English.

8 Tips to Write Better Essays in English
Source: Pexels

1. Keep a Vocabulary Note

Writing essays requires that you use the correct vocabulary. You can improve your vocabulary and be able to choose the right words to enhance your writing.
It’s better to keep track of new words than forget about them when you come across them. This will help you to remember the meanings and can be used as a reference when writing essays.
You can set a goal to learn at most ten new words per day. Keep a list in your notebook and start building your vocabulary slowly.

2. Refer To Credible Sources

Writing any type of essay starts with research. Your essay will be more effective if you do your research well.
In an age where we have so many data sources, it is important to carefully evaluate these sources and only use credible ones. Wikipedia, for example, is not reliable and should not be used in essays.
It is worth your time to review published journals, research papers, academic databases, and other encyclopedias that have been published in the past 10-15 years. When evaluating the source, it is important to evaluate the author’s credibility.

3. Basic Outline

Don’t rush to start writing once you have done your research. Make a draft of your essay. Then organize your research.
You may ask, “Is this necessary?” Thank you.
An outline allows you to approach your essay in a structured way. This outline serves as the framework for your essay and ensures that you don’t miss any important information. It also helps to organize your thoughts and makes them flow smoothly.
The most common essay categories are introduction, body, conclusion.

The introduction introduces the topic and provides context. Your arguments and research methodology should be included in the body paragraphs. The conclusion should reiterate the thesis statement and connect all points.

4. Hook the Reader

It’s becoming more difficult to keep attention on the page. Therefore, it is important to grab the attention of the reader right from the beginning. This will ensure that they are engaged in your writing.
The first sentence or two of an essay’s hook is what will grab the attention of the reader. It is important to create a hook that grabs attention and draws them in.

There are many ways to keep your reader interested. You can use humor, ask a rhetorical question, or give them an alarming statistic.
Don’t spend too much time trying to come up with an essay hook if you are unable. You can finish the essay and then come back later to create a hook.

5. Use the Pomodoro Technique

It can be difficult to write an essay in one sitting, especially if you don’t speak the first language.
The Pomodoro method is a smart approach to essay writing. You will need to set a timer that lasts 25 minutes for you to complete your task. Then, take a five-minute break. You can take a 20-minute extended break after four repetitions of this process.
Start by breaking down the assignment into smaller tasks like research, outlining and writing paragraphs. The timer can be set and you can track your progress.

This technique helps you to stay focused and keeps distractions away.

6. Attention Grammar Rules

While you may be able to raise interesting points in an essay, poor grammar can ruin the reading experience.
When adding punctuations be careful. Check your sentence structures, avoid passive voice, and learn the differences between adjectives, nouns, and verbs.
must adhere to ‘s grammar rules in order to produce a cohesive and well-written essay.

7. Write with Clarity

It is tempting to use complicated metaphors and jargons in order to impress your reader. But, the truth is that none of this guarantees “good writing.”
Clarity is a key ingredient of writing that’s effective. Clarity is key to effective writing. You don’t want the reader to be confused or puzzled by what you have written. Use simple words and examples to explain concepts. Clear writing is always better.

8. Read the Essay

Make sure you proofread your essay multiple times to make sure you’ve covered all aspects and cited the correct references.
In addition, RankMyService Blog publishes great articles with tips on college papers.
You should read your essay aloud to be able to spot errors and awkwardly constructed sentences. To spot any errors or discrepancies in your essay, you can ask a family member or friend to read it.

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