I had to give a speech last week. |
I gave a speech to 300 people. |
I had to speak in front of a group of students. |
I had to tell them about a campaign that we were having to raise money for cancer research. |
Giving a speech can be a difficult thing. |
When you stand in front of a big crowd, you can get very nervous. |
Some people feel like they have weak knees. |
Their legs feel as if they are made of rubber. |
Their heart beats very hard inside of their chest. |
Their palms get sweaty. |
Some people even become short of breath. |
For some people, giving a speech is their worst fear. |
When you give a speech, everyone is looking at you. |
They’re waiting to hear what you have to say. |
When you have 300 people looking at you; you have 600 eyes that are on you. |
It is a little frightening when you think of it that way. |
Before I give a speech, I take three big breaths. |
I calm myself, and I remind myself that what I have to say is important. |
I like to be sure of what I am going to say, so I practice my speech in front of a mirror at home. |
I like to look like I am relaxed and friendly. |
They say that practice makes perfect; |
so the more speeches that you give, the better you will become at it. |
Whenever I have to give a speech, I imagine that the audience is just one big person. |
I look out into the audience until I find a friendly, smiling face. |
I focus on that person, |
and I pretend that I am just talking to them. |
I have become used to giving speeches. |
I am more relaxed now than I used to be. |
People tell me that I do not look nervous at all. |
I like to hear that. |
Sometimes I do feel a little flutter of nervousness, |
but I just ignore it and do the best that I can. |
Giving a speech is not as scary as it appears to be. |
Anyone can do it with a little practice. |
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Lesson 09: Moving To Another Country