
Positive Words That Start With R

We all recognize the advantages that positivity may bring us. Not only can it help us overcome our sadness, handle our stress but also give us a lot of motivation to start every new journey. Be that as it may, it is hard for people to think and act positively all the time. Indeed, sometimes we will feel awesome but sometimes we won’t. In the cases of the latter, you had better learn to use positive words.

Positive Words That Start With R

If you are deep in sadness and sorrow, try writing positive words in your notebook or saying positive words to yourself in front of the mirror. You will be able to feel the positive power that those meaningful words bring you. Today, Learn English In A Fun Way would like to send you a list of positive words starting with R. Hope that you will use these words frequently in your daily life, especially in the situations when everything is against you!Positive Words That Start With R

List of Positive Words That Start With R

Number Positive Words Phonetics Pronunciation
1 Radiance ˈreɪdiəns
2 Radiant ˈreɪdiənt
3 Radiantly ˈreɪdiəntli
4 Radical ˈrædəkəl
5 Raise reɪz
6 Rally ˈræli
7 Rambunctious ræmˈbʌŋkʃəs
8 Ramp-up ræmp-ʌp
9 Rank ræŋk
10 Rapid ˈræpəd
11 Rapidly ˈræpədli
12 Rapport ræˈpɔr
13 Rapt ræpt
14 Rapture ˈræpʧər
15 Rare rɛr
16 Ratify ˈrætəˌfaɪ
17 Rational ˈræʃənəl
18 Ravenous ˈrævənəs
19 Ravish ˈreɪvɪʃ
20 Ravishing ˈrævɪʃɪŋ
21 Razzle-dazzle ˈræzəl-ˈdæzəl
22 Reach riʧ
23 Readily ˈrɛdəli
24 Ready ˈrɛdi
25 Real riəl
26 Reap rip
27 Reappear ˌriəˈpɪr
28 Reasonable ˈrizənəbəl
29 Reassure ˌriəˈʃʊr
30 Rebellious rɪˈbɛljəs
31 Receive rəˈsiv
32 Reception rɪˈsɛpʃən
33 Reciprocate rɪˈsɪprəˌkeɪt
34 Reclaim riˈkleɪm
35 Recognition ˌrɛkəgˈnɪʃən
36 Recommendation ˌrɛkəmənˈdeɪʃən
37 Reconcile ˈrɛkənˌsaɪl
38 Record ˈrɛkərd
39 Recover rɪˈkʌvər
40 Rectify ˈrɛktəˌfaɪ
41 Recuperate rɪˈkupəˌreɪt
42 Redo riˈdu
43 Reflective rɪˈflɛktɪv
44 Refreshing rɪˈfrɛʃɪŋ
45 Refurbish riˈfɜrbɪʃ
46 Regal ˈrigəl
47 Regale ˌriˈgeɪl
48 Regard rəˈgɑrd
49 Regenerate rɪˈʤɛnərət
50 Reinforce ˌriɪnˈfɔrs
51 Rejoice rɪˈʤɔɪs
52 Rejuvenate rɪˈʤuvəˌneɪt
53 Relationship riˈleɪʃənˌʃɪp
54 Relaxation ˌrilækˈseɪʃən
55 Reliable rɪˈlaɪəbəl
56 Reliant rɪˈlaɪənt
57 Relief rɪˈlif
58 Relish ˈrɛlɪʃ
59 Remarkable rɪˈmɑrkəbəl
60 Remedy ˈrɛmədi
61 Renewed rɪˈnud
62 Renovate ˈrɛnəˌveɪt
63 Renown rɪˈnaʊn
64 Repeat rɪˈpit
65 Repent ˈripənt
66 Replenishment rɪˈplɛnɪʃmənt
67 Repose riˈpoʊz
68 Represent ˌrɛprəˈzɛnt
69 Reputation ˌrɛpjəˈteɪʃən
70 Request rɪˈkwɛst
71 Research riˈsɜrʧ
72 Resilient rɪˈzɪljənt
73 Resolution ˌrɛzəˈluʃən
74 Resonate ˈrɛzəˌneɪt
75 Resounding riˈsaʊndɪŋ
76 Resource ˈrisɔrs
77 Resourceful riˈsɔrsfəl
78 Respectfully rɪˈspɛktfəli
79 Responsible riˈspɑnsəbəl
80 Restful ˈrɛstfəl
81 Restore rɪˈstɔr
82 Revere rɪˈvɪr
83 Reverent ˈrɛvərənt
84 Review ˌriˈvju
85 Revived rɪˈvaɪvd
86 Revolution ˌrɛvəˈluʃən
87 Revolutionized ˌrɛvəˈluʃəˌnaɪzd
88 Rewardable rɪˈwɔrdəbl
89 Rhapsody ˈræpsədi
90 Richness ˈrɪʧnəs
91 Ridiculously rəˈdɪkjələsli
92 Righteous ˈraɪʧəs
93 Rigorous ˈrɪgərəs
94 Rise raɪz
95 Robustly ˌroʊˈbʌstli
96 Rock rɑk
97 Rollicking ˈrɑlɪkɪŋ
98 Romantic roʊˈmæntɪk
99 Rosy ˈroʊzi
100 Royal ˈrɔɪəl
101 Rugged ˈrʌgəd
102 Runner ˈrʌnər

Above-mentioned is the list of positive words beginning with R. Though you may have heard about the magic of language over and over again, you may not believe it. The only way you can directly see its magic is to try it. Therefore, from now on, practice those positive words day by day. Only by using three words a day, you can gradually realize positive changes they bring to your mindset.

We would love to hear about your results after practicing this list of positive words starting with R. Thank you for reading and see you in the next writing with other interesting pieces of knowledge!

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