Words have power. Their meaning crystallizes perceptions that shape our beliefs, drive our behavior, and ultimately, create our world. Their power arises from our emotional responses when we read, speak, or hear them. Just say positive words frequently in your daily life, and you’ll soon feel wonderful impacts on your mindset!
What are positive words? Some commonly-used ones that can be mentioned are “love”, “peace” or “compassion”. In today’s post, Learn English In A Fun Way would like to give you more positive words starting with W! Hope that it can make you guys happy, especially those individuals whose names beginning with W!
List of Positive Words That Start With W
Number | Positive Words | Phonetics | Pronunciation |
1 | Waive | weɪv | |
2 | Wake | weɪk | |
3 | Waken | ˈweɪkən | |
4 | Want | wɑnt | |
5 | Wanted | ˈwɑntəd | |
6 | Warm | wɔrm | |
7 | Warmer | ˈwɔrmər | |
8 | Warmhearted | Warmhearted | |
9 | Warmly | ˈwɔrmli | |
10 | Warmth | wɔrmθ | |
11 | Wash | wɑʃ | |
12 | Watch | wɑʧ | |
13 | Water | ˈwɔtər | |
14 | Wave | weɪv | |
15 | Wealth | wɛlθ | |
16 | Wealthiness | ˈwɛlθɪnəs | |
17 | Wealthy | ˈwɛlθi | |
18 | Welcome | ˈwɛlkəm | |
19 | Welfare | ˈwɛlˌfɛr | |
20 | Well | wɛl | |
21 | Wellbeing | ˌwɛlˈbiɪŋ | |
22 | Wellness | ˈwɛlnəs | |
23 | Whimsical | ˈwɪmzɪkəl | |
24 | Whip | wɪp | |
25 | Whirl | wɜrl | |
26 | Whiz | wɪz | |
27 | Whoa | woʊ | |
28 | Whole | hoʊl | |
29 | Wholeheartedly | ˈhoʊlhɑrtɪdli | |
30 | Wholeness | ˈhoʊlnɪs | |
31 | Wholesome | ˈhoʊlsəm | |
32 | Whooa | Whooa | |
33 | Whoooa | Whoooa | |
34 | Whoopee | ˈwuˈpi | |
35 | Whopper | ˈwɑpər | |
36 | Whopping | ˈwɑpɪŋ | |
37 | Wieldy | Wieldy | |
38 | Wiggle | ˈwɪgəl | |
39 | Will | wɪl | |
40 | Willing | ˈwɪlɪŋ | |
41 | Willingly | ˈwɪlɪŋli | |
42 | Willingness | ˈwɪlɪŋnəs | |
43 | Win | wɪn | |
44 | Windfall | ˈwɪndˌfɔl | |
45 | Winnable | ˈwɪnəbəl | |
46 | Winner | ˈwɪnər | |
47 | Winners | ˈwɪnərz | |
48 | Winning | ˈwɪnɪŋ | |
49 | Wins | wɪnz | |
50 | Winsome | ˈwɪnsəm | |
51 | Wisdom | ˈwɪzdəm | |
52 | Wise | waɪz | |
53 | Wisely | ˈwaɪzli | |
54 | Wish | wɪʃ | |
55 | Wishful | ˈwɪʃfəl | |
56 | Wit | wɪt | |
57 | Within | wɪˈðɪn | |
58 | Withstand | wɪθˈstænd | |
59 | Witty | ˈwɪti | |
60 | Wizardly | ˈwɪzərdli | |
61 | Won | wʌn | |
62 | Wonder | ˈwʌndər | |
63 | Wonderful | ˈwʌndərfəl | |
64 | Wonderfully | ˈwʌndərfəli | |
65 | Wonderment | ˈwʌndərmənt | |
66 | Wonderous | Wonderous | |
67 | Wonderously | Wonderously | |
68 | Wonders | ˈwʌndərz | |
69 | Wondrous | ˈwʌndrəs | |
70 | Wondrously | ˈwʌndrəsli | |
71 | Woo | wu | |
72 | Wooer | ˈwuər | |
73 | Work | wɜrk | |
74 | Workable | ˈwɜrkəbəl | |
75 | Worked | wɜrkt | |
76 | Works | wɜrks | |
77 | Worth | wɜrθ | |
78 | Worthily | ˈwɜrðɪli | |
79 | Worthiness | ˈwɜrðinɪs | |
80 | Worthwhile | ˈwɜrˈθwaɪl | |
81 | Worthy | ˈwɜrði | |
82 | Wow | waʊ | |
83 | Wowed | waʊd | |
84 | Wowing | ˈwaʊɪŋ | |
85 | Wows | waʊz | |
86 | Wrap | ræp |
How do you feel about these positive words starting with W? Are they strange yet interesting and meaningful? Are they impactful towards your life attitude? Tell us all you guys’ opinions, especially your feelings after a period of practicing with these positive words! We are so glad to hear good news from you! Believe us, just by saying some of these words each day, you can gradually turn yourself into an optimist. And optimism can positively affect many areas of your health and well-being. If you tend to be pessimistic, don’t despair — you can change yourself by learning the above list of positive words right now!
Thank you for reading and see you in the next writing with other valuable pieces of knowledge!