Positivity is the key of happiness. The more positive you become, the more thankful you feel for everything that happens in your life. But how can we stay optimistic despite the fact that life sucks sometimes? The secret is to start with small steps? One of the small but extremely effective steps that you should take right now is practicing positive words!
The power of language in general and the power of positive words in particular are amazing. They can greatly change your mood, from negative one to positive one, from sadness to happiness, from weariness to cheeriness. Why don’t try using them right now! Today, let’s begin your new journey with the list of positive words starting with S!
List of Positive Words That Start With S
Number | Positive Words | Phonetics | Pronunciation |
1 | Sachet | sæˈʃeɪ | |
2 | Sacred | ˈseɪkrəd | |
3 | Safe | seɪf | |
4 | Saintly | ˈseɪntli | |
5 | Salient | ˈseɪliənt | |
6 | Salubrious | Salubrious | |
7 | Salvage | ˈsælvəʤ | |
8 | Sanctify | ˈsæŋktəfaɪ | |
9 | Sanction | ˈsæŋkʃən | |
10 | Sanguine | ˈsæŋgwɪn | |
11 | Sassy | ˈsæsi | |
12 | Satisfaction | ˌsætəˈsfækʃən | |
13 | Save | seɪv | |
14 | Savior | ˈseɪvjər | |
15 | Scenic | ˈsinɪk | |
16 | Scintillating | Scintillating | |
17 | Scoop | skup | |
18 | Scrupulous | ˈskrupjələs | |
19 | Sculptural | ˈskʌlpʧərəl | |
20 | Security | sɪˈkjʊrəti | |
21 | Seductive | sɪˈdʌktɪv | |
22 | Seeker | ˈsikər | |
23 | Seemly | ˈsimli | |
24 | Selection | səˈlɛkʃən | |
25 | Self | sɛlf | |
26 | Sensational | sɛnˈseɪʃənəl | |
27 | Sensibility | ˌsɛnsɪˈbɪlɪti | |
28 | Sensible | ˈsɛnsəbəl | |
29 | Sentiment | ˈsɛntəmənt | |
30 | Sentimental | ˌsɛntəˈmɛntəl | |
31 | Serendipitous | ˌsɛrənˈdɪpɪtəs | |
32 | Serene | səˈrin | |
33 | Sexy | ˈsɛksi | |
34 | Share | ʃɛr | |
35 | Shelter | ˈʃɛltər | |
36 | Shield | ʃild | |
37 | Shimmer | ˈʃɪmər | |
38 | Shine | ʃaɪn | |
39 | Significant | səgˈnɪfɪkənt | |
40 | Silky | ˈsɪlki | |
41 | Simplify | ˈsɪmpləˌfaɪ | |
42 | Sincerity | sɪnˈsɛrəti | |
43 | Size | saɪz | |
44 | Skillful | ˈskɪlfəl | |
45 | Sleek | slik | |
46 | Slice | slaɪs | |
47 | Smart | smɑrt | |
48 | Smile | smaɪl | |
49 | Snuggle | ˈsnʌgəl | |
50 | Sociable | ˈsoʊʃəbəl | |
51 | Society | səˈsaɪəti | |
52 | Soften | ˈsɑfən | |
53 | Solace | ˈsɑləs | |
54 | Solution | səˈluʃən | |
55 | Sonorous | ˈsɑnərəs | |
56 | Soothing | ˈsuðɪŋ | |
57 | Sparkle | ˈspɑrkəl | |
58 | Special | ˈspɛʃəl | |
59 | Spectacular | spɛkˈtækjələr | |
60 | Spirituality | ˌspɪrɪʧəˈwæləti | |
61 | Splendid | ˈsplɛndəd | |
62 | Spouse | spaʊs | |
63 | Sprightly | ˈspraɪtli | |
64 | Sprinkle | ˈsprɪŋkəl | |
65 | Steadfast | ˈstɛdˌfæst | |
66 | Steady | ˈstɛdi | |
67 | Stimulating | ˈstɪmjəˌleɪtɪŋ | |
68 | Straightforward | ˈstreɪtˈfɔrwərd | |
69 | Strong | strɔŋ | |
70 | Suave | swɑv | |
71 | Successful | səkˈsɛsfəl | |
72 | Sufficiency | səˈfɪʃənsi | |
73 | Sumptuous | ˈsʌmpʧwəs | |
74 | Superbly | ˈsupərbli | |
75 | Support | səˈpɔrt | |
76 | Supreme | səˈprim | |
77 | Sure | ʃʊr | |
78 | Surprise | sərˈpraɪz | |
79 | Surrounding | səˈraʊndɪŋ | |
80 | Swankiest | ˈswɑŋkɪɪst | |
81 | Sway | sweɪ | |
82 | Sweep | swip | |
83 | Sweet | swit | |
84 | Sweetly | ˈswitli | |
85 | Sympathetic | ˌsɪmpəˈθɛtɪk | |
86 | Symptoms | ˈsɪmptəmz | |
87 | Synergy | ˈsɪnərʤi | |
88 | Systematic | ˌsɪstəˈmætɪk |
From now on, start with small habits in order to become an optimist! Instead of saying “sorry”, say “thank you”! Instead of giving everything up, give everything a try! Instead of using negative words, use positive words! Just those small steps can help you make big changes!
Let us know the significant changes that the above-mentioned list of positive words bring you guys! We would be very glad to hear good news from you! Thank you for reading and see you in the next post with other interesting positive words!