What is optimism? According to Oxford Learner’s Dictionaries, optimism is “a feeling that good things will happen and that something will be successful.” Generally, optimists are those who expect good things to happen, while pessimists only predict unfavorable outcomes. Staying optimistic enables you to reap numerous benefits, including lower stress levels, better physical health, and higher persistence. Though those advantages are fully recognized, the question remains here is how can we change our negative mindset and adopt a positive attitude. Interestingly, one of the most effective yet simplest ways is to start the habit of using positive words.
Using positive words may be the most successful approach to prime your mind for optimism. When our mind is focused on uplifting words, pleasure chemicals like dopamine are released and the reward center of the brain is stimulated. Therefore, in this post today, Learn English In A Fun Way would like to offer you a list of positive words starting with O. Hope that it will make your day, especially those whose names beginning with O!
List of Positive Words That Start With O
Number | Positive Words | Phonetics | Pronunciation |
1 | Oasis | oʊˈeɪsɪs | |
2 | Obedient | oʊˈbidiənt | |
3 | Objectively | ɑbˈʤɛktɪvli | |
4 | Obliged | əˈblaɪʤd | |
5 | Observable | əbˈzɜrvəbəl | |
6 | Observant | əbˈzɜrvənt | |
7 | Observe | əbˈzɜrv | |
8 | Obsess | əbˈsɛs | |
9 | Obsession | əbˈsɛʃən | |
10 | Obtainable | əbˈteɪnəbəl | |
11 | Occasion | əˈkeɪʒən | |
12 | Occupation | ˌɑkjəˈpeɪʃən | |
13 | Ode | oʊd | |
14 | Odorous | ˈoʊdərəs | |
15 | Odyssey | ˈɑdəsi | |
16 | Oeuvre | ˈuvrə | |
17 | Offer | ˈɔfər | |
18 | Offering | ˈɔfərɪŋ | |
19 | Official | əˈfɪʃəl | |
20 | Ointment | ˈɔɪntmənt | |
21 | Okay | ˌoʊˈkeɪ | |
22 | Omnipotent | ɑmˈnɪpətənt | |
23 | Omniscient | ɑmˈnɪʃənt | |
24 | Ongoing | ˈɑnˌgoʊɪŋ | |
25 | Onset | ˈɑnˌsɛt | |
26 | Onward | ˈɔnwərd | |
27 | Oodles | ˈudəlz | |
28 | Oomph | umf | |
29 | Ooze | uz | |
30 | Opalescent | Opalescent | |
31 | Open | ˈoʊpən | |
32 | Openhearted | Openhearted | |
33 | Openly | ˈoʊpənli | |
34 | Openness | ˈoʊpənnəs | |
35 | Operative | ˈɑpərətɪv | |
36 | Opportunity | ˌɑpərˈtunəti | |
37 | Opt | ɑpt | |
38 | Optimal | ˈɑptəməl | |
39 | Optimism | ˈɑptəˌmɪzəm | |
40 | Optimistic | ˌɑptəˈmɪstɪk | |
41 | Optimized | ˈɑptəˌmaɪzd | |
42 | Optimum | ˈɑptəməm | |
43 | Option | ˈɑpʃən | |
44 | Opulently | ˈɑpjələntli | |
45 | Oration | ɔˈreɪʃən | |
46 | Orchestrate | ˈɔrkɪˌstreɪt | |
47 | Ordain | ɔrˈdeɪn | |
48 | Orderly | ˈɔrdərli | |
49 | Organically | ɔrˈgænɪkli | |
50 | Organized | ˈɔrgəˌnaɪzd | |
51 | Organizer | ˈɔrgəˌnaɪzər | |
52 | Orgasmic | Orgasmic | |
53 | Originality | əˌrɪʤəˈnælɪti | |
54 | Originator | əˈrɪʤəˌneɪtər | |
55 | Ornamental | ˌɔrnəˈmɛntəl | |
56 | Ornate | ɔrˈneɪt | |
57 | Outdo | ˌaʊtˈdu | |
58 | Outdone | ˈaʊtˈdʌn | |
59 | Outgoing | ˈaʊtˌgoʊɪŋ | |
60 | Outlast | ˈaʊtˌlæst | |
61 | Outlasting | ˈaʊtˌlæstɪŋ | |
62 | Outlined | ˈaʊtˌlaɪnd | |
63 | Outperform | ˈaʊtpərˌfɔrm | |
64 | Outperforming | ˈaʊtpərˌfɔrmɪŋ | |
65 | Outreach | ˈaʊˌtriʧ | |
66 | Outshine | ˈaʊˌʧaɪn | |
67 | Outshone | aʊtˈʃoʊn | |
68 | Outsmart | ˈaʊtˌsmɑrt | |
69 | Outstandingly | ˌaʊtˈstændɪŋli | |
70 | Outstrip | aʊtˈstrɪp | |
71 | Outwitted | ˈaʊˌtwɪtəd | |
72 | Ovation | oʊˈveɪʃən | |
73 | Overall | ˈoʊvəˌrɔl | |
74 | Overcome | ˈoʊvərˌkʌm | |
75 | Overjoyed | ˌoʊvərˈʤɔɪd | |
76 | Overtaken | ˈoʊvərˌteɪkən | |
77 | Overtook | ˌoʊvərˈtʊk | |
78 | Overture | ˈoʊvərʧər | |
79 | Owner | ˈoʊnər | |
80 | Owning | ˈoʊnɪŋ |
Above-mentioned is the list of positive words that start with O! How do you feel about them? What words do you like best? Let us know your favorite positive words by commenting them under this post and making sentences with those beautiful words. There are also many other ways to remember this list of positive words. You can write them down on sticky notes and stick those notes around your house; or use them in your daily conversations and in letters sent to your beloved ones.
We hope that you will undergo positive changes after reading this post. Thank you for reading and see you again with other meaningful positive words!