“When it rains, look for rainbows. When it’s dark, look for stars.” Through this quote, Oscar Wilde has reminded us to stay optimistic, even in the darkest days of our life. However, sometimes life gives us a hundred days of rain and a hundred days of darkness, which feels like an excruciatingly long time. The question here is how can we turn ourselves into optimists and keep up that attitude even in the midst of those situations. Let’s us tell you a secret! One of the best yet simplest ways to do that is to start studying and speaking positive words!
Research has shown that language can make a powerful impact on your mindset, and certainly you can’t live a positive life with a negative mind. Therefore, it is highly recommended that positive words should be frequently in your daily conversations as they will motivate not only yourself but also people around. In this post today, Learn English In A Fun Way would like to offer you a list of positive words starting with N. Hope that this gift will uplift your mood, especially those whose names beginning with N!
List of Positive Words That Start With N
Number | Positive Words | Phonetics | Pronunciation |
1 | Namaste | Namaste | |
2 | Narrative | ˈnærətɪv | |
3 | Nascent | ˈneɪsənt | |
4 | Nationhood | ˈneɪʃənˌhʊd | |
5 | Nationwide | ˈneɪʃənˈwaɪd | |
6 | Native | ˈneɪtɪv | |
7 | Natty | ˈnæti | |
8 | Natural | ˈnæʧərəl | |
9 | Naturalize | ˈnæʧərəˌlaɪz | |
10 | Naturally | ˈnæʧərəli | |
11 | Nature | ˈneɪʧər | |
12 | Navigable | ˈnævəgəbəl | |
13 | Navigate | ˈnævəˌgeɪt | |
14 | Navigated | ˈnævəˌgeɪtɪd | |
15 | Navigation | ˈnævəˈgeɪʃən | |
16 | Near | nɪr | |
17 | Neat | nit | |
18 | Neaten | Neaten | |
19 | Neatest | ˈnitəst | |
20 | Neatly | ˈnitli | |
21 | Necessary | ˈnɛsəˌsɛri | |
22 | Needed | ˈnidəd | |
23 | Neighborly | ˈneɪbərli | |
24 | Nestle | ˈnɛsəl | |
25 | Neutral | ˈnutrəl | |
26 | Never-failing | ˈnɛvər-ˈfeɪlɪŋ | |
27 | New | nu | |
28 | Newborn | ˈnubɔrn | |
29 | Newfound | ˈnuˈfaʊnd | |
30 | Next | nɛkst | |
31 | Nibble | ˈnɪbəl | |
32 | Nice | naɪs | |
33 | Nicely | ˈnaɪsli | |
34 | Nicer | ˈnaɪsər | |
35 | Nicest | ˈnaɪsɪst | |
36 | Nifty | ˈnɪfti | |
37 | Nimble | ˈnɪmbəl | |
38 | Nimbus | ˈnɪmbəs | |
39 | Nipper | ˈnɪpər | |
40 | Nippy | ˈnɪpi | |
41 | Nirvana | nɪrˈvɑnə | |
42 | Noble | ˈnoʊbəl | |
43 | Nobly | ˈnɑbli | |
44 | Nod | nɑd | |
45 | Noiseless | ˈnɔɪzləs | |
46 | Nominate | ˈnɑmənət | |
47 | Nonchalant | ˌnɑnʃəˈlɑnt | |
48 | Nonpareil | Nonpareil | |
49 | Nonstop | ˌnɑnˈstɑp | |
50 | Non-violence | nɑn-ˈvaɪələns | |
51 | Non-violent | nɑn-ˈvaɪələnt | |
52 | Nook | nʊk | |
53 | Normal | ˈnɔrməl | |
54 | Normally | ˈnɔrməli | |
55 | Notable | ˈnoʊtəbəl | |
56 | Notably | ˈnoʊtəbli | |
57 | Noted | ˈnoʊtəd | |
58 | Noteworthy | ˈnoʊˌtwɜrði | |
59 | Noticeable | ˈnoʊtəsəbəl | |
60 | Noticeably | ˈnoʊtɪsəbli | |
61 | Notorious | noʊˈtɔriəs | |
62 | Nourish | ˈnɜrɪʃ | |
63 | Nourishing | ˈnɜrɪʃɪŋ | |
64 | Nourishment | ˈnɜrɪʃmənt | |
65 | Novel | ˈnɑvəl | |
66 | Novelty | ˈnɑvəlti | |
67 | Now | naʊ | |
68 | Numberless | ˈnʌmbərləs | |
69 | Numerous | ˈnumərəs | |
70 | Numinous | Numinous | |
71 | Nurse | nɜrs | |
72 | Nurture | ˈnɜrʧər | |
73 | Nurtured | ˈnɜrʧərd | |
74 | Nurturing | ˈnɜrʧərɪŋ | |
75 | Nutritious | nuˈtrɪʃəs | |
76 | Nuzzle | ˈnʌzəl |
Above-mentioned is the list of positive words that start with N! We guarantee that thanks to using these beautiful positive words, your negative attitude will gradually be changed and replaced by great deal of optimism. In order to search for other lists of positive words, take a look at website of Learn English In A Fun Way and you will easily find different results. Let’s begin practicing this list of positive words right now in order to reap the benefits it may bring us. Thank you for reading and see you in the next post with other interesting pieces of knowledge!