I used to be very shy. |
I would not go up to someone that I did not know and say hello. |
I was afraid that people would not want to talk to me. |
I have changed. |
I have become less shy. |
I have learned that making friends is easy to do. |
All you have to do is say hello. |
Most people will respond to a smile and a friendly hello. |
People will begin to talk to you about little things in their lives. |
You will soon realize that you have something in common with that person. |
Whenever I start talking to a new person |
I find that there is some interest that we share. |
Maybe we know some of the same people, |
or we went to the same school. |
Often we find that we like the same music or the same movies. |
It is easy to have a conversation with someone |
once you find a topic that you can both relate to. |
The most important part in making friends is to listen to what the other person says. |
If you take an interest in them, |
they are sure to take an interest in you. |
I have learned many things from meeting people. |
I have had many fascinating conversations, |
and I have made a lot of good friends. |
One day a girl came up to me and said that she was lost. |
She couldn’t find her way to her English class. |
I said that I was going to that class too. |
I told her to come with me. |
We began talking, and we became very good friends. |
That was a few years ago. |
She is still one of my best friends. |
Just think, if she hadn’t been lost |
we might never have become friends. |
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