You do not need anyone to tell you about the benefits that English brings to your life, especially in today’s fast pace of development. Obviously, English helps us to improve our career prospects, make friends with people from all over the world, and learn about new cultures. The list goes on and on, but this post will discuss the first benefit mentioned, which may also be the main aim of various language learners: finding a job.
Below is the list of six jobs that are only exclusive to those with fluency in English, and of course they are well-paid. Let’s not waste time anymore and explore!
This is obvious: you know English, so you teach English. English is so popular nowadays that everyone rushes to learn the language. It also means that the better English ability you have, the more money you earn. This undeniable fact puts native speakers in good stead if they teach English in a foreign country because they have better commands of the language than other learners. People of all ages want to “speak English naturally” and “be fluent in English”, so they place their trust in native speakers.
However, it does not mean that people do not consult non-native speakers for English learning. If you have high qualifications, students will flock to ask for a seat in your classroom.
Teaching English to students is a fun activity!
The developments of the civilized world go hand in hand with those of the tourism industry. This necessitates more staff to serve tourists, notably those traveling by air, and that’s where flight attendants come in.
Therefore, you stand a chance of being employed as an air hostess if you are good at English because it is considered the standard language on air.
Besides the opportunities to travel, your salary is also quite high. That being said, becoming a flight attendant has never been an easy task. As regards your appearance, you have to be good-looking and meet the minimum height requirements, which vary among different nations. You also have to take tests that assess your language skills, problem-solving skills, etc.
Be ready to visit a new place everyday!
Typically requiring much travel and exposure to people from different countries, this is a job that always prioritizes those with good English ability. Being a tour guide, you are granted the chance to visit a lot of famous tourist destinations and get to know about other cultures. Needless to say, after every trip like that, you have more friends and gather more valuable experience.
To be a good tour guide, you have to speak English fluently and clearly. You also need to have in-depth knowledge of the sites you show tourists around so that your message can be accurately got across.
You learn English and all these things in exchange for amazing friends and memorable moments, not to mention a high salary. Apparently, what you get afterward is more than what you invested in the beginning, so you make quite a profit, right?

A suitable job for people who have itchy feet and want to make new friends!
This probably is one of the most interesting jobs with English involved provided that you possess advanced knowledge of English. If you are known widely to be a good interpreter, the chances are that you will be invited to national (or even more important) forums and meetings to make the dialogues understandable for the audience. It is synonymous with the privilege to work with a celebrity, government officials, etc. and you can be seen on the television.
Cool as it may sound, the journey to becoming an experienced interpreter is very challenging. You have to master active listening skills and learn to get your ideas across. What is more, for the sake of professionalism, you should be able to stay calm and have quick reflexes, thus appearing to be dependable.
Sharing the spotlight with influential figures is cool!
Language translators have too wide a range of resources for them to choose: translate videos, books, contracts, etc. English translators benefit in this way, as the majority of the world’s written documents are in English. For this reason, you need not worry about running short of work to do once you considering being an English translator.
The price for each page you translate is different, depending on what field the document is about, your experience, etc. And if the customers are satisfactory, you can be paid extra money as a means of incentive to maintain your performance with the next work you are entrusted.
Unlike interpreters, translators work behind the scene and have more time to deal with their work rather than respond immediately. That is not to say this job is easy, as you have to meet a lot of criteria to earn your reputation.
Not only do you have to master English, but you also need to have a wide range of vocabulary in your mother tongue. If you think this is an easy task, then there are two possibilities: you are a genius or you are simply wrong. Rich vocabulary enables your work to run smoothly and sound natural, which is customers’ highest expectations.
Also, a lot of technical terms in English terms in English cannot be found in your native language, so you must know how to deal with them. Many more confusing situations are waiting for you, but once you get used to the job, you can gather experience and solve the problems successfully.
A huge amount of work is waiting for aspiring translators!
To be honest, IT contributes a lot to the incredibly fast developments of today’s world, and it is still one of the most promising fields nowadays.
It is a hot industry that always has various job positions to offer, and if you are an enthusiast of technology, learning some more English does wonders for you.
Depending on your ability and experience, there is a diversity of IT-related jobs for you to choose from: IT specialist, programmer, IT project manager, etc. Accordingly, the salaries vary but they are well-paid in general.
Learning IT is difficult, and you have to be smart and responsive enough to understand and keep up with the latest trends. Once you are proficient at it, job opportunities are abundant in every country (remember to learn English as well!)
Be an important person by doing an important job!
We have recommended six well-paid jobs exclusive to people who are good at English. Mastering English undoubtedly gives you an edge over your colleagues, especially in this 4.0 era, and their job prospects are always wide.
We believe this is a convincing reason why everyone should learn English if they do not want to lag behind the mainstream, not to mention other significant benefits. And whether you follow our advice or not is a wholly different matter. Thanks for reading this post, and good luck for now!