
Positive Words That Start With H

Maybe at a certain moment or during a certain period of time, everyone can feel very tired and desperate because of the happening of many difficulties and sufferings, making us want to give everything up. To tell the truth, in our life, everything can easily be lost. However, there is only one thing that cannot be lost, and it is the choice of life attitude. Of course, in order to lead a beautiful and meaningful life, you had better choose optimism. Using positive words frequently is one of the best ways to shift our mindset toward more optimism in hard times.

It’s been proven that you can make your day better by using positive words, because you will feel better physically, mentally, and emotionally. Therefore, in this writing today, Learn English In A Fun Way would like to give you a list of positive words starting with H. Hope that you will enjoy it!Positive Words That Start With H

List of Positive Words That Start With H

Number Positive Words Phonetics Pronunciation
1 Habitable ˈhæbətəbəl
2 Hail heɪl
3 Halcyon ˈhælsiən
4 Hale heɪl
5 Hallelujah ˌhæləˈlujə
6 Hallmark ˈhɑlˌmɑrk
7 Hallowed ˈhæloʊd
8 Handily ˈhændəli
9 Handsome ˈhænsəm
10 Handy ˈhændi
11 Happen ˈhæpən
12 Happiness ˈhæpinəs
13 Hardier ˈhɑrdiər
14 Hardworking ˈhɑrˌdwɜrkɪŋ
15 Hark hɑrk
16 Harmless ˈhɑrmləs
17 Harmoniously hɑrˈmoʊniəsli
18 Harness ˈhɑrnəs
19 Harvest ˈhɑrvəst
20 Headway ˈhɛˌdweɪ
21 Heady ˈhɛdi
22 Healthy ˈhɛlθi
23 Heap hip
24 Heartening ˈhɑrtənɪŋ
25 Heavenly ˈhɛvənli
26 Helpful ˈhɛlpfəl
27 Heritage ˈhɛrətəʤ
28 Heroic hɪˈroʊɪk
29 Heroine ˈhɛroʊən
30 Heroize ˈhiroʊˌaɪz
31 Heros ˈhɪroʊz
32 Highly ˈhaɪli
33 Hilarious hɪˈlɛriəs
34 Hint hɪnt
35 Hip hɪp
36 Historical hɪˈstɔrɪkəl
37 Hobby ˈhɑbi
38 Holistic hoʊˈlɪstɪk
39 Homage ˈɑməʤ
40 Homely ˈhoʊmli
41 Homey ˈhoʊmi
42 Honest ˈɑnəst
43 Honorable ˈɑnərəbəl
44 Hooray hʊˈreɪ
45 Hopefulness ˈhoʊpfəlnɪs
46 Hospitable ˈhɑˈspɪtəbəl
47 Host hoʊst
48 Hot hɑt
49 Hotcake ˈhɑtˌkeɪk
50 Huge hjuʤ
51 Human ˈhjumən
52 Humble ˈhʌmbəl
53 Humorous ˈhjumərəs
54 Humour Humour
55 Hygienic Hygienic
56 Hype haɪp
57 Hypersonic ˌhaɪpərˈsɑnɪk
58 Hypnotically hɪpˈnɑtɪk(ə)li

Positive Words That Start With H

Above is the list of positive words that start with H. Positive words can greatly promote cognitive function and strengthen areas of the brain’s frontal lobes, so they can help you with planning, controlling and executing behavior. Therefore, from now on, you had better start incorporating them on purpose into your everyday talk. Thank you for reading and see you in the next writing!

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