If you want to make positive changes in your attitude towards life, why not try to take advantages of language’s power? Indeed, research has shown that the words we use in our daily conversations can have a great impact on our feelings, which may even be beyond our expectations. Specifically, using positive words will not only help dispel your sadness, uplift your mood, but also boost your optimism. Hence, if you desire to become an optimist, studying positive words is what you should do right now!
Realizing numerous benefits that using positive words can bring us, Learn English In A Fun Way has written many lists of positive words starting with the letters of the alphabet. In today’s post, it’s time for us to offer you guys a list of positive words starting with P. Hope that it will make your day, especially those whose names beginning with P!
List of Positive Words That Start With P
Number | Positive Words | Phonetics | Pronunciation |
1 | Pacifist | ˈpæsɪfɪst | |
2 | Pacify | ˈpæsəˌfaɪ | |
3 | Pact | pækt | |
4 | Painless | ˈpeɪnləs | |
5 | Pair | pɛr | |
6 | Palatable | ˈpælətəbəl | |
7 | Palpable | ˈpælpəbəl | |
8 | Pamper | ˈpæmpər | |
9 | Paradise | ˈpɛrəˌdaɪs | |
10 | Paragon | ˈpɛrəˌgɑn | |
11 | Pardon | ˈpɑrdən | |
12 | Parental | pəˈrɛntəl | |
13 | Participation | pɑrˌtɪsəˈpeɪʃən | |
14 | Partner | ˈpɑrtnər | |
15 | Passionately | ˈpæʃənətli | |
16 | Paternal | pəˈtɜrnəl | |
17 | Pathfinder | ˈpæθˌfaɪndər | |
18 | Patience | ˈpeɪʃəns | |
19 | Patient | ˈpeɪʃənt | |
20 | Peaceful | ˈpisfəl | |
21 | Peak | pik | |
22 | Peerless | ˈpɪrlɪs | |
23 | Perception | pərˈsɛpʃən | |
24 | Perceptive | pərˈsɛptɪv | |
25 | Perfect | ˈpɜrˌfɪkt | |
26 | Perkiness | ˈpɜrkɪnəs | |
27 | Perky | ˈpɜrki | |
28 | Perseverance | ˌpɜrsəˈvɪrəns | |
29 | Persevered | ˌpɜrsəˈvɪrd | |
30 | Personable | ˈpɜrsənəbəl | |
31 | Perspective | pərˈspɛktɪv | |
32 | Persuasion | pərˈsweɪʒən | |
33 | Persuasively | pərˈsweɪsɪvli | |
34 | Phenomenally | fəˈnɑmənəli | |
35 | Picturesque | ˌpɪkʧərˈɛsk | |
36 | Pioneering | ˌpaɪəˈnɪrɪŋ | |
37 | Placid | ˈplæsəd | |
38 | Planner | ˈplænər | |
39 | Player | ˈpleɪər | |
40 | Playfully | ˈpleɪfəli | |
41 | Pleasant | ˈplɛzənt | |
42 | Please | pliz | |
43 | Plentiful | ˈplɛntəfəl | |
44 | Poetic | poʊˈɛtɪk | |
45 | Poetry | ˈpoʊətri | |
46 | Poise | pɔɪz | |
47 | Polite | pəˈlaɪt | |
48 | Politeness | pəˈlaɪtnəs | |
49 | Popularity | ˌpɑpjəˈlɛrəti | |
50 | Positive | ˈpɑzətɪv | |
51 | Possibilities | ˌpɑsəˈbɪlətiz | |
52 | Possible | ˈpɑsəbəl | |
53 | Potential | pəˈtɛnʃəl | |
54 | Powerful | ˈpaʊərfəl | |
55 | Pragmatic | prægˈmætɪk | |
56 | Praise | preɪz | |
57 | Precious | ˈprɛʃəs | |
58 | Precocious | prɪˈkoʊʃəs | |
59 | Premier | prɛˈmɪr | |
60 | Premium | ˈprimiəm | |
61 | Prepare | priˈpɛr | |
62 | Presence | ˈprɛzəns | |
63 | Present | ˈprɛzənt | |
64 | Prestigious | prɛˈstɪʤəs | |
65 | Presto | ˈprɛˌstoʊ | |
66 | Pretty | ˈprɪti | |
67 | Prevail | prɪˈveɪl | |
68 | Pride | praɪd | |
69 | Privileged | ˈprɪvləʤd | |
70 | Prize | praɪz | |
71 | Produce | ˈproʊdus | |
72 | Productive | prəˈdʌktɪv | |
73 | Productivity | ˌproʊdəkˈtɪvəti | |
74 | Professional | prəˈfɛʃənəl | |
75 | Proficient | prɑˈfɪʃənt | |
76 | Project | ˈprɑʤɛkt | |
77 | Prominent | ˈprɑmənənt | |
78 | Promote | prəˈmoʊt | |
79 | Prosper | ˈprɑspər | |
80 | Protection | prəˈtɛkʃən | |
81 | Proud | praʊd | |
82 | Provocative | proʊˈvɑkətɪv | |
83 | Provocatively | proʊˈvɑkətɪvli | |
84 | Pumped | pʌmpt | |
85 | Punctual | ˈpʌŋkʧuəl | |
86 | Purely | ˈpjʊrli | |
87 | Purify | ˈpjʊrəˌfaɪ | |
88 | Purpose | ˈpɜrpəs | |
89 | Purposeful | ˈpɜrpəsfəl | |
90 | Purposefully | ˈpɜrpəsfəli | |
91 | Purveyor | pərˈveɪər |
Above-mentioned is the list of positive words that start with P. As we realized the potential that language has to create and transform our lives, we should pay a great deal more attention to our utterances. From now on, try to use these beautiful positive words frequently. By doing this, you will not only can think and act more positively but also can spread that kind of positivity to everyone. Let us know impressive changes in your behavior after practicing with the list above by commenting under this post.
Thank you for reading and see you in the next post with another interesting list of positive words!