All individuals desire success, but how to achieve great success in life always remains an unsolved question. Actually, success is never the result of a pessimistic, depressing, boring, goalless lifestyle. Instead, a positive attitude may bring us to the edge of success. From another perspective, having a positive outlook also means that we have succeeded in ourselves. However, not everyone realizes the ways to be an optimist. Let Learn English In A Fun Way tell you a secret “Using positive words is one of the most effective ways”.
Positive words always bring peace to the human soul, making us get rid of the envy, jealousy, and fatigue. By using positve words in daily conversations, you will gradually become more optimistic and joyful.
In this writing today, we will give you a list of positive words that start with C. Hope that these positive words will make you feel yourself beloved and spread your love wherever you go!
List of Positive Words That Start With C
Number | Positive Words | Phonetics | Pronunciation |
1 | Calibrate | ˈkæləˌbreɪt | |
2 | Calm | kɑm | |
3 | Candid | ˈkændəd | |
4 | Capability | ˌkeɪpəˈbɪləti | |
5 | Captivated | ˈkæptɪˌveɪtɪd | |
6 | Carefree | ˈkɛrˌfri | |
7 | Careful | ˈkɛrfəl | |
8 | Caress | kəˈrɛs | |
9 | Caring | ˈkɛrɪŋ | |
10 | Cautious | ˈkɔʃəs | |
11 | Ceaseless | ˈsislɪs | |
12 | Celebration | ˌsɛləˈbreɪʃən | |
13 | Celestial | səˈlɛsʧəl | |
14 | Centered | ˈsɛntərd | |
15 | Cerebral | ˈsɛrəbrəl | |
16 | Ceremonial | ˌsɛrəˈmoʊniəl | |
17 | Certain | ˈsɜrtən | |
18 | Certified | ˈsɜrtəˌfaɪd | |
19 | Changeable | ˈʧeɪnʤəbəl | |
20 | Charismatic | kɛrɪzˈmætɪk | |
21 | Charitable | ˈʧærətəbəl | |
22 | Charmed | ʧɑrmd | |
23 | Chatty | ˈʧæti | |
24 | Cheeky | ˈʧiki | |
25 | Cheerful | ˈʧɪrfəl | |
26 | Childlike | ˈʧaɪlˌdlaɪk | |
27 | Chivalrous | Chivalrous | |
28 | Choice | ʧɔɪs | |
29 | Choose | ʧuz | |
30 | Chuckle | ˈʧʌkəl | |
31 | Cinematic | ˌsɪnəˈmætɪk | |
32 | Civil | ˈsɪvəl | |
33 | Classical | ˈklæsɪkəl | |
34 | Clean | klin | |
35 | Clear | klɪr | |
36 | Clearheaded | Clearheaded | |
37 | Clever | ˈklɛvər | |
38 | Close | kloʊs | |
39 | Coachable | ˈkoʊʧəbl | |
40 | Cognitive | ˈkɑgnɪtɪv | |
41 | Coherent | koʊˈhɪrənt | |
42 | Cohesive | koʊˈhisɪv | |
43 | Collaborative | kəˈlæbəˌreɪtɪv | |
44 | Collegial | kəˈliʤiəl | |
45 | Colloquial | kəˈloʊkwiəl | |
46 | Colorful | ˈkʌlərfəl | |
47 | Comely | ˈkʌmli | |
48 | Comfortable | ˈkʌmfərtəbəl | |
49 | Comical | ˈkɑmɪkəl | |
50 | Commanding | kəˈmændɪŋ | |
51 | Commemorative | kəˈmɛmrətɪv | |
52 | Commendable | kəˈmɛndəbəl | |
53 | Committed | kəˈmɪtəd | |
54 | Communicative | kəmˈjunəkətɪv | |
55 | Compact | ˈkɑmpækt | |
56 | Compassionate | kəmˈpæʃənət | |
57 | Compelling | kəmˈpɛlɪŋ | |
58 | Competent | ˈkɑmpətɪnt | |
59 | Completed | kəmˈplitəd | |
60 | Complex | ˈkɑmplɛks | |
61 | Compliment | ˈkɑmpləmənt | |
62 | Comprehensive | ˌkɑmpriˈhɛnsɪv | |
63 | Conceivable | kənˈsivəbəl | |
64 | Concerted | kənˈsɜrtəd | |
65 | Concise | kənˈsaɪs | |
66 | Confident | ˈkɑnfədənt | |
67 | Confirmable | kənˈfɜrməbəl | |
68 | Congenial | kənˈʤinjəl | |
69 | Congratulate | kənˈgræʧəˌleɪt | |
70 | Congruent | Congruent | |
71 | Connected | kəˈnɛktəd | |
72 | Conscientious | ˌkɑnʃiˈɛnʃəs | |
73 | Conscious | ˈkɑnʃəs | |
74 | Consensual | kənˈsɛnsuəl | |
75 | Conservative | kənˈsɜrvətɪv | |
76 | Considerate | kənˈsɪdərət | |
77 | Consistent | kənˈsɪstənt | |
78 | Consoling | kənˈsoʊlɪŋ | |
79 | Conspiratorial | kənˌspɪrəˈtɔriəl | |
80 | Constant | ˈkɑnstənt | |
81 | Constructive | kənˈstrʌktɪv | |
82 | Consummate | ˈkɑnsəmət | |
83 | Contemplative | kənˈtɛmplətɪv | |
84 | Contemporary | kənˈtɛmpəˌrɛri | |
85 | Content | ˈkɑntɛnt | |
86 | Contentment | kənˈtɛntmənt | |
87 | Contributive | Contributive | |
88 | Conventional | kənˈvɛnʃənəl | |
89 | Conversational | ˌkɑnvərˈseɪʃənəl | |
90 | Convincing | kənˈvɪnsɪŋ | |
91 | Cool | kul | |
92 | Cooperative | koʊˈɑpəˌreɪtɪv | |
93 | Coordinated | koʊˈɔrdəneɪtɪd | |
94 | Cope | koʊp | |
95 | Copious | ˈkoʊpiəs | |
96 | Coquettish | Coquettish | |
97 | Cordial | ˈkɔrʤəl | |
98 | Correctable | kəˈrɛktəbl | |
99 | Corresponding | ˌkɔrəˈspɑndɪŋ | |
100 | Cosmic | ˈkɑzmɪk | |
101 | Courageous | kəˈreɪʤəs | |
102 | Courteous | ˈkɜrtiəs | |
103 | Coveted | ˈkʌvətɪd | |
104 | Cozy | ˈkoʊzi | |
105 | Creamy | ˈkrimi | |
106 | Creative | kriˈeɪtɪv | |
107 | Credible | ˈkrɛdəbəl | |
108 | Credit | ˈkrɛdət | |
109 | Crisp | krɪsp | |
110 | Crucial | ˈkruʃəl | |
111 | Crunchy | ˈkrʌnʧi | |
112 | Cuddle | ˈkʌdəl | |
113 | Cultured | ˈkʌlʧərd | |
114 | Cunning | ˈkʌnɪŋ | |
115 | Curable | ˈkjʊrəbəl | |
116 | Curative | ˈkjʊrətɪv | |
117 | Curious | ˈkjʊriəs | |
118 | Current | ˈkɜrənt | |
119 | Cushion | ˈkʊʃən | |
120 | Customary | ˈkʌstəˌmɛri | |
121 | Cute | kjut |
Catherine Pulsifer once said “To find optimism, look for the good things in life”, and a list of positive words is one of them. Above are positive words starting with C that may help you supercharge your optimism to arm yourself for the battle ahead.
We hope that through this writing, you have learned new positive words that start with C. Keep practicing and using those beautiful words in your daily conversations and your life will become wonderful. Thank you for reading and see you again!