Surfing social media platforms is not easy when you may encounter some new slangs or acronyms that you don’t know. If come across the acronym FTFY at someone’s comment on one of your posts or in reply to your emails, keep reading to discover details about it. You will find its meaning, origin, and other common meanings. You also see some useful examples that you can use in conversation.
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What does “FTFY” mean?
FTFY = Fixed that for you
People use this acronym when they respond to spelling errors and grammatical problems. Amusing as it could be to utilize a slang contraction when making fun of somebody’s frail handle on the language, heaps of individuals see FTFY as serious ridicule. FTFY could be a speedy method of telling your colleagues that you’ve done a job or corrected an issue without assuming the arduous weight of really composing four entire words.
Similar internet slang phrases
Instead of using “FTFY”, you can use “FYP”-“fixed your post”. Here, a post refers to something that you create on a message board or social media.
People also utilize it to salvage different users for posting something. It’s anything but a kind of wry dissatisfaction with regards to the substance of their post.
Though “FTFY” can be found in numerous stages on the web, it is generally utilized on Reddit where users participate in long strings of remarks and conversations.
“FTFY”- Origin
While the specific beginning of FTFY stays obscure, the abbreviation was first added on Urban Dictionary in April of 2005 by a user named princess_fitz. After that, FTFY soon became popular among Reddit users.
It has since become utilized regularly as a way to express when somebody has committed an error so self-evident or silly that another person needed to fix it for them.
FTFY Example
Example 1: A online chat between two friends
A: Hey, the file you sent me last night seems to be unloaded.
B: Oh, sorry. Let me FTFY and send you again.
Example 2: A talk between two Twitter users
A: We should go out tonight, party, and be carefree!
B: You mean we should go out tonight, make terrible life choices, and regret it later. FTFY.
FTFY other meanings
Here, you can discover some other meanings of FTFY. Make sure that you understand FTFY in the right context.
- Full Time, Full Year
- First Time, First Year
- Fifty
- For The Fun Years
- For The Full Year
- Fixes Text For You
- Finished That For You