There is one famous saying that “Always look on the bright side of life”. However, for anyone who is stuck in traffic while being late for work, or is reprimanded by their boss or is confronted with other problems in their life, staying positive can sometimes seem impossible. Surprising though it may sound, you can control your emotions a lot better than you think by many different ways, one of which is to use positive words.
Frequently using positive words in your daily conversations will give you positive thoughts, which not only help you more easily overcome all stress but also more happily lead your own life.
In this writing today, Learn English In A Fun Way will give you a list of positive words that start with G. We hope it will empower you so that you will not let yourself be defeated whenever you face defeats in life.
List of Positive Words That Start With G
Number | Positive Words | Phonetics | Pronunciation |
1 | Gaiety | Gaiety | |
2 | Gaily | ˈgeɪli | |
3 | Gainfully | ˈgeɪnfəli | |
4 | Gallantly | ˈgæləntli | |
5 | Gallantry | ˈgæləntri | |
6 | Galore | gəˈlɔr | |
7 | Galvanize | ˈgælvəˌnaɪz | |
8 | Gamer | ˈgeɪmər | |
9 | Gather | ˈgæðər | |
10 | Geekier | ˈgikɪər | |
11 | Gems | ʤɛmz | |
12 | Generate | ˈʤɛnəˌreɪt | |
13 | Generosity | ˌʤɛnəˈrɑsəti | |
14 | Generously | ˈʤɛnərəsli | |
15 | Genius | ˈʤinjəs | |
16 | Gentlest | ˈʤɛntələst | |
17 | Genuine | ˈʤɛnjəwən | |
18 | Gesture | ˈʤɛsʧər | |
19 | Giddy | ˈgɪdi | |
20 | Gifted | ˈgɪftəd | |
21 | Giggling | ˈgɪgəlɪŋ | |
22 | Given | ˈgɪvən | |
23 | Gladness | ˈglædnəs | |
24 | Glamorous | ˈglæmərəs | |
25 | Glaring | ˈglɛrɪŋ | |
26 | Gleaming | ˈglimɪŋ | |
27 | Gleeful | ˈglifəl | |
28 | Glide | glaɪd | |
29 | Glimmering | ˈglɪmərɪŋ | |
30 | Glistening | ˈglɪsənɪŋ | |
31 | Glittering | ˈglɪtərɪŋ | |
32 | Glitz | glɪts | |
33 | Glorification | ˌglɔrəfɪˈkeɪʃən | |
34 | Glorious | ˈglɔriəs | |
35 | Glowing | ˈgloʊɪŋ | |
36 | Glutinous | Glutinous | |
37 | Goal | goʊl | |
38 | Godlike | Godlike | |
39 | Godsend | ˈgɑdˌsɛnd | |
40 | Golden | ˈgoʊldən | |
41 | Goodness | ˈgʊdnəs | |
42 | Goodwill | ˈgʊˈdwɪl | |
43 | Gorgeousness | ˈgɔrʤəsnəs | |
44 | Gourmet | ˈgʊrˌmeɪ | |
45 | Gracefully | ˈgreɪsfəli | |
46 | Graciousness | ˈgreɪʃəsnəs | |
47 | Graduate | ˈgræʤuɪt | |
48 | Grand | grænd | |
49 | Grandeur | grænˈdur | |
50 | Grandiose | ˌgrændiˈoʊs | |
51 | Grant | grænt | |
52 | Gratefully | ˈgreɪtfəli | |
53 | Gratification | ˌgrætəfəˈkeɪʃən | |
54 | Gratify | ˈgrætəˌfaɪ | |
55 | Gratitude | ˈgrætəˌtud | |
56 | Greatest | ˈgreɪtəst | |
57 | Gregarious | grəˈgɛriəs | |
58 | Grinning | ˈgrɪnɪŋ | |
59 | Gripping | ˈgrɪpɪŋ | |
60 | Groomed | grumd | |
61 | Groovy | ˈgruvi | |
62 | Groundbreaking | ˈgraʊndˌbreɪkɪŋ | |
63 | Growing | ˈgroʊɪŋ | |
64 | Guaranteed | ˌgɛrənˈtid | |
65 | Guardian | ˈgɑrdiən | |
66 | Guest | gɛst | |
67 | Guidance | ˈgaɪdəns | |
68 | Guided | ˈgaɪdəd | |
69 | Guiltless | ˈgɪltlɪs | |
70 | Gumption | ˈgʌmpʃən | |
71 | Gush | gʌʃ | |
72 | Gusto | ˈgʌˌstoʊ | |
73 | Gutsy | ˈgʌtˈsi |
Of course, we had better “always look on the bright side of life”. Nevertheless, looking on the bright side does not mean that you have to pretend as if you are living in a fairy tale. Instead, you had better focus on more optimistic approaches to the world, and using positive words must be one of the most effective ways.
In this writing today, we have given you a list of positive words starting with G. You can often practice using those positive words in your daily life in order to realize the amazing power they brings us. Thank you for reading and see you in the next writing!